7-day course to love mornings

Home7-day course to love mornings

Learn to live healthy and self-determined mornings

As a team passionate about circadian health (a healthy sleep-wake cycle), we have summarized the most relevant science for becoming a healthy morning person. With our concise 7 days e-Book course, you will learn to understand and apply it yourself.

Life changing.

Simon, 31

Learn the science of how to advance your rhythm

Implement your learnings with practical instructions

Track your progress and see what’s possible for you

Understand the mechanisms that drive your sleep-wake-rhythm and morning energy. Learn how they related to your overall health.

Implement healthy, zero-cost lifestyle adjustments. Coupled with habit-building best practices they can help you live your best and healthiest life.

Only what gets measured gets managed. Use the LOVE MORNINGS checklist optimized for tracking your progress in the course.

What to expect from the 7-day course



Learn what you can do to become a healthy early riser, based on state-of-the-art science.

Understand the scientific concepts: circadian rhythm, sleep pressure, thermo-regulation, etc., to understand why the measures work and how they relate to overall health. Learn how the early bird/night owl lifestyle impact your life overall.


Learn behavioral best practices that will help you implement your desired actions.

The early bird life can and should feel good! Reduce friction towards your desired behavior and establish a reward structure to maintain motivation sustainably.

  • Get a 7-day step-by-step guide to loving mornings. Execute the steps thoroughly to experience the “love mornings” protocol first hand. Improve your sleep, morning energy and see what’s possible.
  • Be prepared to work on different aspects on your life, including nutrition, exercise, lighting and use of digital devices.

After the course, you will have cutting-edge knowledge, routines and the experience to design your future life in a way that best serves your health and personal fulfilment.

Minimum requirements for the 7-day course

To make the most out of LOVE MORNINGS,

  • reserve a minimum 30 min time in the mornings and 30 min time in the evening
  • document your process: Fill in the worksheet daily
  • have control over your evenings for 7 days. Preferably no nights out, no alcohol.

Your level of success depends on your level of execution.

How is it built up?

e-Book : The course consists of a written PDF guide book. Every day consists of a science part and practical instructions.

All options also include

  • a template for your morning and evening routine
  • a short checklist to track your progress.

The love mornings 7 day course really wants you to reach your goal in one week.

  • Day 1: Do no harm: Sleep pressure & quality
  • Day 2: Circadian rhythm
  • Day 3: Your morning routine
  • Day 4: Body temperature
  • Day 5: Nutrition and substance intake
  • Day 6: Staying consistent
  • Day 7: Your future as an early riser


Can you really switch from night owl to morning lark? I thought it’s determined genetically?

Great question! Yes, there is a genetic disposition and different people have different rhythms under the same circumstances. What you can change, though, are your circumstances. Circumstances = lifestyle & environment. These factors may be a lot more important than you think. We dare you to find out for yourself!

Will I stay an early bird for good once I’ve got there?

Your body will live the rhythm that corresponds to the stimuli it gets. Much like your fitness level, your early-riser-level is one to be fostered and maintained sustainably. This is why it is greatly valuable to establish your desired routines as habits. As such, they will become more and more automatic with the time. Our course will help you do that.

Do these interventions work for everyone? I have Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder and, so far, nothing has helped me.

Based on the data we know, the vast majority of people, even “night owls” can influence their rhythm quite substantially, as has been shown in studies. That said, different people have different genetic dispositions. There may be cases of Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, or Non-24 in general, where the presented lifestyle adjustments may not work as effectively as they do for most people. Our content shall neither belittle the suffering caused by circadian rhythm disorders nor replace the advice of a specialized physician if you do suffer under circadian rhythm disorders.
In any way, the science here may still be very interesting to you!

Are you saying being a night owl is worse than being a morning person?

There is no inherent good or bad when it comes to rhythms. If you are a night owl, healthy and happy with it, more power to you.
Statistically, night owls are more prone to various diseases and depression. It’s not entirely clear why that is: Some experts suspect a misalignment between their rhythm and forced schedules to be the culprit, others suspect that people may indulge more in unhealthy behaviors at night. What we endorse is “circadian health”: The measures presented in our course (healthy lighting schedule, sleep hygiene, exercise, etc.) are all by themselves proven to benefit health and well-being as much as they advance your rhythm. On the other hand, many common habits in society (late-night phone use, artificial light at night) are known to impair well-being while delaying or disrupting your rhythm. With this course, you will learn and experience what circadian health is and how it relates to overall health. Once you have seen the full picture, you can make an informed decision. Where you go from there is totally up to you.

Why can’t society just become more night-owl friendly in work and school schedule?

We absolutely embrace the idea of a society that acknowledges inter-personal differences in sleep-wake rhythm in their schedules. Pretty much all experts agree that high schools should start later to better be aligned with adolescents’ delayed rhythms. Initiatives into this direction exist and we support that. Yet, there is still a way to go and many night owls simply desire to be more on the early bird end of the spectrum. We regard our approach as complementary to systemic approaches, as we equip individuals with the tools to make the most out of their personal situation. As the presented measures provide direct health benefits, to, we think that knowing about them is worthwhile in any situation.